Call for Proposals -- Spring Conference
Plaza: Dialogues in Language and Literature is sponsoring its second annual graduate student conference at the University of Houston to showcase student-written critical research and creative non-fiction works that enter a scholarly conversation and examine the role of socio-economic class structures in literature, rhetoric, composition studies, folklore and ethnography, linguistic studies, language and culture studies, and gender studies.Proposals are due January 30, 2012 should be a maximum of 250 words for individual presenters, 1000 words for panels of 2-3. Individual conference presentations should be 15-18 minutes; panels will have 75 minutes including time for questions. Abstracts submitted individually will be placed on a panel of 3 by theme. Please note in the proposal whether the presentation will require AV equipment. Contact and submission information can be found at You may also email with your questions.Downloads
Call for Papers